Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty guide

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is filled to the brim with some memorable and challenging boss fights and enemy encounters. Much like developer Team Ninja's previous souls-like titles, Nioh and Nioh 2, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty features a wide variety of enemies, each with their own unique set of skills, strengths, and weaknesses.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty also features minibosses, which, despite not having a named health bar, are equally as challenging as some of the main story bosses in the game. One such miniboss is Zhupolong, a large crocodile-like demonic creature. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to easily defeat Zhupolong in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

How to easily win the Zhupolong miniboss encounters in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

Much like any other demonic creature in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Zhupolong is inspired by the Chinese mythological legends, where it is stated that the demonic crocodile was once thought to be the daughter of the deity that lives in the Yangtze river in the Jiangnan region.

When not in combat, Zhupolong usually hides underground with only the tip of its tail sticking out of the ground.

The demon attacks as soon as you step within its territory or awaken it by attacking its tail. The miniboss usually attacks using its tail, which it can use for melee moves as well as effective ranged options. Zhupolong uses earth elemental attacks, where it can summon rock projectiles and launch them towards you, dealing massive health and spirit damage.

The creature can also use its tail for swipe attacks and lunge towards you and follow up with a body slam, which can momentarily stagger you. This will leave you vulnerable to the miniboss' other attacks. Fortunately, due to its size, Zhupolong and its attacks are quite slow, which gives you plenty of time to dish out your own attacks and counterattacks.

The Zhupolong is also very susceptible to flame virtue wizardry spells, which you can use to easily deplete the miniboss' spirit gauge and deal passive damage. The best spells to use against Zhupolong are Burning Falmewave and Engulfing Inferno, which are both effective in dealing a ton of spirit damage.

The Zhuplong also has one critical blow, where it summons a massive rock and flings it towards you. Thankfully, the move is well-telegraphed, giving you ample time to deflect the projectile and redirect it towards the miniboss itself.

While Zhupolong can seem quite intimidating, due to its monstrous size and aggression, it is quite easy to defeat as long as you can counter its attacks by either deflecting them or using wizardry spells.

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