Star Mag claims Knox & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt have Down Syndrome


Empress Zahara is already on the phone with her attorneys, don’t worry. Star Magazine, acting on a nine-month-old National Enquirer story that was pretty much identical, claims in a round-about way that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s youngest children, twins Knox and Vivienne, have Down Syndrome. The proof? Well, there is none. According to Jezebel’s synposis, Star just points out there is “speculation” and an insider says that the twins “are taking longer to grasp things.” Oh, and while the family visited Brad’s family over New Year’s, random Missourians “wondered if there was something wrong with the twins. It just seemed like something was off.” A source also says that “An employee recently voiced concerns, and Angelina freaked out.”

So… instead of even pretending this is anything other than a horrible (and unoriginal) tabloid piece of crap, let’s talk about whether or not Angelina and Brad (and the Empress) should sue. I think they should – for once, send the message to the tabloids that all of this nasty speculation about the kids is beyond the realm of acceptability. Of course, Angelina and Brad didn’t sue when the Enquirer reported an identical story last year, nor did they sue when Life & Style ran repeated Shiloh-is-a-lesbian-because-she-wears-pants covers. Do they just think that if they ignore it, this too shall pass? Or do they figure that the public backlash against these tabloids will be enough? I don’t know, I honestly don’t. I do know that Fax Cannes “Mystery” Jolie-Pitt is dyslexic, though. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of.





Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN.
