Queensland family find scorpion inside home at North Lakes

FORGET snakes ... It seems there is another creepy crawly creature taking residence inside Queensland homes.

It was an unusual sighting. In fact, before Saturday night, Courtney Abernethy and her family did not know scorpions lived anywhere but the desert.

But, much to her husband’s surprise, they discovered a scorpion was not only living a long way from the desert, but one was living at their home at North Lakes, north of Brisbane.

“At 11pm (Saturday) night my husband went to check on our toddler before he came to bed and came across this scorpion,” she said.

“It was on its way into my two-year-old’s bedroom, crawling along the hallway.”

She said their neighbours were just as shocked by their unusual find.

“We, and everyone else we have spoken to, didn’t even know we got them here,” she said.

“Here we were thinking they only lived out in the desert.”

But, according to the Queensland Museum, scorpions live throughout much of Queensland’s forested coastal areas and sometimes in gardens.

The large brown scorpion, which is what the Abernethe family believe they found at the weekend, like to live between rocks, under bark and in shallow burrows.


• Scorpions eat mostly insects as well as other scorpions

• They crush prey with their claws and deliver a sting with their tail

• Large brown scorpions live in forested areas of coastal Queensland and sometime in gardens

• Brown scorpions grow up to 7cm but other species can grow between 5 and 12cm in length
