In Cookie Run: Kingdom, toppings are used on Cookies to give them a specific boost in terms of attack, defense, health, etc. Up to 4 toppings can be used on a Cookie at a time. There are 10 toppings available in the game at the moment - Bouncy Caramel, Fresh Kiwi, Hard Walnut, Healthy Peanut, Hearty Hazelnut, Juicy Apple Jelly, Searing Raspberry, Solid Almond, Sweet Candy, and Swift Chocolate.
Sorbet Shark Cookie is a Cookie of Epic rarity that belongs to the Ambush class, and by default, their position is prioritized to the Middle. The best toppings to be used with Sorbet Shark Cookie are Swift Chocolate and Searing Raspberry. This article explains why these toppings should be paired with the Sorbet Shark Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom.
Best Toppings to use with Sorbet Shark Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom
Sorbet Shark Cookie is an Epic Cookie released alongside Squid Ink Cookie in the first half of the Soda Island Outlaws update. All Cookies start out with 1 topping slot and gain one more at their 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th Levels for a total of 5 slots. Currently, only XS (Common), S (Rare), and M (Epic) toppings are available in-game.
Sorbet Shark Cookie is usually paired with Swift Chocolate and Searing Raspberry Toppings. It either increases a cookie's attack or decreases their skill cooldown.
Searing Raspberry Topping vs. Swift Chocolate Topping for Sorbet Shark Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom
Swift Chocolate Topping can be used with Sorbet Shark Cookie to decrease its skill cooldown as it has a high cooldown time of 17 seconds. Swift Chocolate Topping reduces cooldown by 0.4% at base level and at 1.1% and 1.8% with more upgrades.
Searing Raspberry Topping, on the other hand, is a very efficient topping for Sorbet Shark Cookie as it can be used to increase the cookie's attack damage. Searing Raspberry Topping increases the attack by 1% at base level and at 2% and 3% with further upgrades.
Based on their party, players can decide which topping they want to pair the cookie with. If a player wants less cooldown, they go for Swift Chocolate and if they want increased attack, they go for Searing Raspberry.
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