To safely navigate through the hazardous areas of the USG Ishimura in Dead Space Remake, you'll need to use all available means of protection to avoid being killed by deadly necromorphs. You'll gain access to powerful weapons as you progress through the story.
This includes the powerful Contact Beam, a versatile weapon capable of dealing with small groups of enemies and large necromorphs with severe damage.
However, to obtain the Contact Beam, you must make the right choices in the storyline.
Everything you need to know about the Contact Beam in Dead Space Remake, starting from where to get it to stats, upgrade locations, and more.
To acquire the Contact Beam in Dead Space Remake, you must progress through the game to Chapter 4.
Now, once in Chapter 4, follow the steps below to procure the gun:
- At this point, go to the Admin Systems and take the Comms Array elevator in the Bridge Deck Atrium to the second floor.
- As you move through the rooms with the vacuum, head to the next corridor and enter the Records Office room on the right.
- Look for the Contact Beam in a yellow glow inside the room, ready for you to pick it up.
The Contact Beam can be utilized in the Machine Shop, Tram Station, and Security Clearance levels, providing versatility against various enemies. It can also collect ammo drops and weapon upgrades to enhance your combat capabilities further.
Additionally, force guns and line guns can be employed to obtain additional power nodes, giving you even more power and options as you navigate the dangerous world of Dead Space Remake.
A glance at the Contact Beam gun
The Contact Beam is a formidable weapon in the Dead Space Remake, serving as one of the game's primary fire modes. Combined with its secondary fire mode, a pulse rifle becomes an incredibly effective tool for dispatching enemies with speed and precision.
Additionally, the Contact Beam features a fire mode that can penetrate both walls and enemies, making it an incredibly versatile weapon in combat. It is ideal for taking out enemies swiftly and effectively, making it an indispensable asset in your journey through the game.
Contact Beam stats
Weapon Type: Heavy damage energy projector.
Stat Type | Base | Max |
Secondary Fire Damage | 400pts | - |
Capacity | 12 | - |
Reload Time | 3.00 secs | - |
Primary Fire Damage | 75 pts | - |
Dead Space Remake: Contact Beam upgrade locations and effects.
Special Upgrades are new additions to the Dead Space Remake that expands the weapon upgrade capabilities of specific weapons even more. These upgrades unlock particular nodes that can be acquired using power nodes, providing substantial improvements to the weapon's stats.
Contact Beam Upgrade Details
1) Supersymmetry Tether
Effect: Boosts the size of the Secondary Fire projectile.
How to Obtain: Purchase from the store using 12000 credits.
2) Portable Heliotron
Effect: Significantly increases ammo capacity.
How to Obtain: Located in a Clearance Level 3 Room at the Biological Prosthetics Center in the Medical area.
3) Diffraction Module
Effect: Expands the explosion size of the Secondary Fire.
How to Obtain: Found in a Master Override Box behind a Master Override Door in the Mining Deck.
This wraps up our guide on where to find the Contact Beam and its available upgrades. Seven weapons are available in the Dead Space Remake, but not all are necessary to complete the game. Missing out on certain weapons, such as the Contact Beam, can make gameplay more challenging. However, this will not impact the story or ending.
Keep tabs on us for more Dead Space weapon guides, story walkthroughs, and other updates.
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