How to counter Wrecking Ball in Overwatch 2

Hammond, the genetically engineered hamster in Overwatch 2, drives his highly mobile Wrecking Ball mech across the battlefield, crushing any enemy who stands in his way. He does this with an arsenal of weapons and the power of momentum.

This hamster's genetic therapy in the Horizon Lunar Colony resulted in him being significantly larger and smarter. Hammond taught himself engineering and mechanics and escaped to Earth, landing in the Australian Outback among the Junkers.

Subsequently, he converted his escape pod into a battle mech known as Wrecking Ball and went on to become a champion gladiator as well as the bodyguard of the notorious Junker Queen. Here's how to counter his Wrecking Ball.

Heroes to counter Wrecking Ball in Overwatch 2

Heroes like Reinhardt and Zarya should be avoided when trying to ward off the Wrecking Ball. When the former's team is moved, they are stripped naked, and if Zarya is unable to target her allies, they have to consider using her offensive abilities.

However, Orisa can be used to restrict Wrecking Ball's antics. The latter's ability to move her is thwarted by Fortify. When he uses Pile Driver, Javelin can be employed. Moreover, Javelin Spin is going to come in handy to get him away at the last minute. Outside of Orisa's Ultimate, almost everything works well against Wrecking Ball as long as you keep in mind that resources are tied to dealing with him.

Sigma, on the other hand, bends the rules but isn't terrible at countering Wrecking Ball, as he's a little more team-centric. When attempting to ward off Wrecking Ball or utilizing another hero alongside him, use caution with Sigma.

Tracer is the undisputed king of soft countering Overwatch's favorite hamster. Her mobility is useful for chasing down a retreating Wrecking Ball after his Adaptive Shield has been burned to take him out.

While Sombra has changed significantly in Overwatch 2, her ability to disrupt Wrecking Ball's cooldown rotation and remove his momentum is invaluable in countering him.

Wrecking Ball requires only a minor amount of acceleration to displace people, and he frequently flies above or around objects, making him an easy target to hack. As Sombra, landing a well-timed Hack not only counters Wrecking Ball but may also result in some elegant environmental kills.

Ashe is going to want to anchor a position, and while Wrecking Ball is the king of disruption and displacement, she does have her own tools. Using Coach Gun to deny a Rolling Hamster kill or shoving away a Pile Driver mid-cast can open up options to inflict damage on the Wrecking Ball.

Ana, who's able to land a clutch Sleep Dart or Biotic Grenade while Pile Driving, would be extremely valuable in disrupting the Wrecking Ball's moves. She can also Nano Boost an ally, which is always a plus. Having said that, Ana is almost always a good choice to counter almost anyone in Overwatch 2.

Moira's recent transformation also makes a lot of sense to use here. Players can quickly counter Wrecking Ball with Enfeebling Orb's 75% damage reduction and the mech's rather large hitbox.

Brigitte's kit in Overwatch 2 plays extremely well and generally manages to counter Wrecking Ball. She can Whip Shot the latter, consistently keeping up Inspire on a target that thrives in close-range combat. She can also acquire a target to shove away with Shield Bash.

Brigitte isn't for everyone, but if you're looking for something to slow down Overwatch 2's variant of Wrecking Ball, Brigitte isn't a bad option.

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