Does Kristen Stewart Have Any Siblings? She's Grew Up With A Band Of Brothers

Remember that time, in the midst of the Twlight phenomenon, when Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were literally EVERYWHERE? Like many people, I wanted to be a fan but found the overexposure to be a little overwhelming. After they finished filming the series, each of the actors went on little hiatuses and tried to find projects that would greatly distance them from their vampire counterparts. Pattinson starred in some dramatic flicks, and Stewart co-starred alongside newly minted Best Actress Oscar winner, Julianne Moore, as the daughter of the title character in Still Alice. After I did some research on Stewart's new roles and her life in general (where I discovered how much of a bad ass and feminist inspiration she is), I naturally got a bit more curious about some things I never knew about her before. For example, does Kristen Stewart have any siblings?

I kind of love looking into my favorite celebrities' families and relationships with their siblings because it tells you a bit more about their personality. When I discovered that Tom Hiddleston came from a household of two sisters, his lady-loving ways became that much more apparent and, of course, I loved him all the more for it. After some research, I found out that Kristen Stewart grew up with three brothers, who helped shape her into the strong woman she is today.

Apart from her siblings, I didn't even know that both of Stewart's parents were in the business! Her father, John Stewart, has worked as a producer and stage manager for several shows and her mother, Jules Mann-Stewart, is a script supervisor-turned-director. Together, the couple has two biological children, Kristen and Cameron Stewart. They also have two adopted children, Taylor, who is the same age as Kristen and the youngest, Dana. There is not much known about Dana, but Taylor accompanied Kristen to a few events during the Twilight era.

Kristen's only biological brother, Cameron, is four years older than she is and has worked as a lighting and rigging technician in film, as well. When their mother was filming her directorial debut, K-11, Kristen had to drop out and Cameron was given a small role. Cameron shared that the filming was a bonding experience for the family saying, “This put us out of our element together... I feel closer with my mom, a camaraderie. I had a lot of fun doing it. And if my sister can do it, then I thought I could do it." Striking looks also run in the family, and Cameron joined Kristen for an angsty photoshoot in Vogue Italia in 2007, but there's no sign of modeling since for him.

Kristen has shared that growing up with loads of brothers has definitely influenced her signature "tomboy" style, telling Vanity Fair, "Look at a picture of me before I was 15. I am a boy. I wore my brother’s clothes, dude!" Along with the her biological and adopted brothers, Kristen shared with Elle that she had a unique upbringing with many boys, saying, "I've always said I've had a bunch of brothers because we have a bunch of boys who are like family," explaining that her family has helped friends of her older brother Cameron "along the way." Well, it seems like there's always been a whole lotta love in the Stewart family, and that's what matters the most.

Images: Getty Images; Giphy

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